Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Moss Motorfest: June 3rd

June 3, 2017, Petersburg Virginia

Here at the NMS blog, we appreciate just about every kind of car there is in the world. Since we're normally writing about the Japanese Miata, Italian FIAT, or our newest cars the American Coronet and Chevy Silverado, let's change gears and think about British cars.


That didn't hurt did it? Seriously, the history of British cars goes way back to the last century, and today still features famous brands such as Rolls Royce, Bentley, Lotus, Jaguar, and McLaren. Of course they still drive on the wrong side of the road over there, but remember that this was because they lost a bet with America in 1776, and the loser had to drive on the other side of the road. Yeah, that was a good one ol' George Washington pulled with his victory at Yorktown, or we'd be the ones on the left side of the road! Sure, we had some help from the French navy, so you'd think there would be at least one French car brand selling in the US, but you'd be wrong.


In the news this week I read that British icon Lotus was sold to the Chinese firm Geely, Geely-Lotus
so while that makes as much sense as Dodge trucks being owned by FIAT, I guess they're both true. The way business is run around the world these days, not much should be too surprising anymore. In case you aren't familiar with Geely, they make about a million cars a year in China, and already own Volvo, so it's likely they'll pump a lot of money into Lotus. More chances to own a Lotus sounds like a good deal to me! Shoot, after the Cleveland Cavaliers won the NBA last year and rookie Alexander Rossi won the Indy 500, pretty much anything can happen now!


Closer to home up here in NMS-North, next Saturday June 3rd brings us the local Virginia Beach Cars and Coffee gathering. Usually there might be a British car or two there, but for June I'm planning to go a bit west and visit Moss Motors in Petersburg Virginia. Moss is hosting their annual Moss Motorfest Moss, and it should make for a fine day of viewing several  hundred British cars of all makes. Moss specializes in stocking parts for a lot of Brit brands, and they have their main HQ in California, plus this east coast site in Virginia. In recent years they've branched out to include Miata parts too, so give them a chance next time you need a little help with your car.

Brian Recommends the Jaguar F-type

Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

So I Kicked a Teenager Out of My House

You know how teenagers are right? Well this one, had literally just sat in my house for almost an entire year. Never went anywhere. Never did anything. Just slept in one spot. What a waste. And after all the time and effort I put into giving him a home and a roof over his  head. Dang teenagers, whaddaya gonna do?

17 Year Old

Before we brought him home I was dreaming of the days we would spend together, but it just never worked out. Maybe we'd be racing together, or spend many years together. I hope he's happy in his new home. Maybe he'll amount to something some day, and heck, we might even see each other. But it won't be the same, he won't be mine. I signed the title over to a new owner. Good-bye Abandoned Auction Mustang.

Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

May Autocross Report

Expert Camera Crew Filming a Course Walk

Without any fanfare, (because it's not professional racing and we don't really have any fans), here's the highlight of the day from my last run, in which I was trying to go faster, which was OK for a while, but then you'll see the FIAT up on 2 wheels! Not the fastest run of the 6 on the day! You can click on the button below and make the video or the photos on the blog larger too.