Kamis, 31 Agustus 2017

National Drive Electric Week September 9-17

Nissan Leaf, top selling electric in the US

National Drive Electric Week has been around for several years now, so this year's version is taking place 9-17 September. Now, if you're very observant, or even if you aren't, you'll notice right off that 9-17 days is a bit more than a full official 7 day week. Good for  you! I don't have any idea why either, but it does manage to cover two full weekends that way, so let's go with a 9 day week from now on! Of course, I'd vote on working 5 days like a normal week now, and then we'd ALL GET A FOUR DAY WEEKEND EVERY WEEK! Write your Senators and Congressional Representatives NOW!
Brian drives the BMW i3, our favorite electric

Back on topic, you can go to the website and find an event near YOU at this link: DRIVE ELECTRIC
Mitsubishi electric

NMS-North is planning to attend the event in Richmond Virginia on September 9th, since we'll be down in South Carolina at the Lemons Race on the 17th when there is an event back home at Virginia Beach. Whether or not electric vehicles will replace gas, or if hydrogen fuel cells will catch on, or if we'll all be driving fusion powered Deloreans, who knows? We attended and blogged about a Drive Electric Week event way back in 2014  READ IT and had fun checking out the technology, looking at the recharging stations and test driving cars like the BMW i3 and Chevy Volt, so we highly recommend you find an event near you and check it out.

Selasa, 29 Agustus 2017

Why Walking Helps Your Driving

You probably don't really have to walk to be a good driver, but it helps. For driving on a track or an autocross course, it helps to know the layout before you drive it, so put on your walking shoes and take a hike. Even the professional drivers in Formula 1 do a track walk before their race weekends, and even if they already know the track, they walk it to look for where to place the car, where to park if they break down, to inspect the road surface, etc. Even in autocross it's a good idea to have an escape plan just in case your brakes fail! I think our teacher taught us this in driver's education class long ago, that driving down a highway you should always be aware of not only what's ON the road, but what is OFF the road in case you are forced off the pavement to avoid an accident. Back in Ohio that usually meant which corn field would you drive into if suddenly the road was blocked, but luckily I never had to do that.

If that walking was too boring, here's my fastest run DRIVING this course: