Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Evo School Day 1

Today I completed phase 1 of the Evolution Performance Driving School. This school is hosted at sites around the country and co-sponsored by the local SCCA chapters. The school is taught by former autocross champions on the national level and is designed to teach performance driving using the context of autocross. 

Since we started our adventures in this sport/hobby, I've heard a lot of great feedback about the school and it just happened to line up that I could participate this year (a big thanks to mom and dad for giving me some funding for it for my birthday a few weeks ago!).

Unlike a typical autocross event, these schools really focus on getting you lots of seat time under the expert guidance of their instructors. This has made all the difference in identifying and correcting some of the problems I've had for the last few events. 

For anyone interested in either learning a ton about car control or who wants to improve at autocross, I would HIGHLY recommend the school. In one day I think I learned more than I could have all season otherwise.

Today's extra challenge was my first time in wet conditions, but in the end it only helped to better learn the techniques. At the beginning of the day, before instruction, I drove a 37.1 second lap. By the end of the day I put in a solid (no cones hit) 35.9.  

Good progress, a  LOT learned, and a whole second day to come!

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