Kamis, 24 April 2014

Who Does #2 Work For?!

As the days count down to the points event #2 of the 2014 season at the Michelin Proving Grounds, the team prepares mentally and performs final equipment checks to show who #2 works for and dominate the driving at Black Lake!

If you haven't seen the movie, Austin Powers, please go watch that now.

Current forecast shows no signs of rain and ambient temperatures in the mid-80s which will be a welcome change from last weekend's cooler temps where the team struggled to get the tires on the Fiesta ST up to temperature on the short runs in the wet.  

Per Rolex's latest ads, we now know that careful polishing of a car can gain .0001 second per lap.  This prompted a detailed cleaning and waxing of the #86 car to evaluate the new aero effects while the #77 car will run a standard "mostly clean and lacking any particularly big bug chunks" exterior as a baseline aero configuration.  Competition will be tight in ES with no fewer than 4 closely matched Mazda powered cars and and then a very tough challenge again in GS with multiple Focus STs competing against the Abarth.  

With an early release of the course design, the drivers have been in discussions on strategy and technique for several days and are anxiously awaiting the opportunity to drive the course and execute their strategies. There's still time to register and it's going to be a really great Sunday for driving.  Hope to see you there!

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